Here are the characters that we still need. We would like to get the characters Margaret Mitchell created (Frank Kennedy, Charles Hamilton, Carreen O'Hara, etc.) filled before made-up characters are done. Made-up characters prior to April 2004 will be grandfathered in, but there are plenty of characters below to choose from. The characters listed in the above example are not necessarily available, you will need to read the below list to see who we are in need of. Thank you.
This list was updated April 2006. Availability of the characters listed below is subject to confirmation from the list owners.
- Ashley Wilkes (the current player is on leave, if I can get someone to fill it who can post I'll fill it)
- Beau Wilkes (he's a baby currently in the game, so can be played as an NPC as needed)
- India Wilkes
- Suellen O'Hara
- Will Benteen
- James O'Hara
- Pierre Robillard
- Pauline Robillard
- Eulalie Robillard
- Honey Wilkes
- Dilcey
- Mammy
- Pork
- Prissy
- Big Sam
- Mr. James Tarleton
- Beatrice Tarleton
- Betsy Tarleton
- Camilla Tarleton
- Randa Tarleton
- Hetty Tarleton
- Servants
Hamilton's in Atlanta:
- Pittypat Hamilton
- Uncle Henry Hamilton
- Uncle Peter
- Servants
Calvert's/Pine Bloom
- Hugh Calvert
- Mrs. Calvert (a Yankee, former governess to Calvert children)
- Servants
- Tony Fontaine
- Servants
- Munroe's / Lovejoy inhabitants
- Buck Munroe
- Mrs. Munroe
- Dimity Munroe
- Letty Munroe
Miscellaneous Characters:
- Belle Watling
- Emmy Slattery
- Mrs. Elsing
- Johnny Gallagher (after War, unless you can find a way to bring him in beforehand)
- Frank Kennedy
- Angus MacIntosh
- Dr. Meade
- Caroline Meade
- Dolly Merriwether
- Maybelle Merriwether-Picard
- Rene Picard
- Jonas Wilkerson
- Abel Wynder
- Elijah
- Old Levi
- Prostitutes
- Shop / Business Owners Email me for ideas on what businesses we need, there are plenty
- Shop / Business workers
- Bankers
- Priest
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