The Southern Census

Here is a listing of the characters currently involved in the RPG, please click on the character name to be taken to the description that has been submitted about their character by the person playing the character. If there is no description, it has not been provided to administration yet. This page is updated as descriptions are received.

Page last updated May 2006.

Rhett Butler played by Susan Cade Calvert played by Carly Cathleen Calvert played by Carly Delia D'Arcy played by FreeSpirit
Fanny Elsing played by Susan Alex Fontaine played by Susan Amanda Fontaine - played by Carly Pittypay Hamilton played by Susan
Sally Munroe-Fontaine played by Carly Marie (does not remember her real name, Kristin Simons) played by Susan Julianne McKenna Sutherland played by FreeSpirit
Tristan Jesse McKenna played by FreeSpirit Carreen O'Hara played by Susan Gerald O'Hara played by Susan Scarlett O'Hara played by Brianne
Lucas Prescott played by FreeSpirit Julia Redwine played by Carly Bethann Slattery-Calvert played by Carly
Belle Watling played by Brianne Ashley Wilkes played by Sarah (currently on leave) Melanie Wilkes played by Carly
Frederick Zacks played by Susan

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