AUGUST MEYERS lives the life of a loner on his secluded Dakota Territoy farm. He farms the land like his parents before him and their parents before them. It is all that AUGUST knows. He is a rough around the edges man who keeps people at bay with ease. He has a soft spot for women in danger, a curse he carries with him since his younger sister died at the hands of her husband years ago.
SIGOURNEY MONROE has settled for a life of washing dishes and cleaning up after drunk men who enjoying laying their hands on her. She is not a working girl, not in the way of the other girls who work at Butch's tavern. SIGOURNEY ran away from home so long ago now she has a hard time picturing who her parents are. She left to escape the abusive man her father had arranged a marriage with. Until settling in the Dakota Territory SHARON has spent years looking over her shoulder, afraid someone was tracking her.