This page last updated May 2005. All bad links were deleted.

This page will no longer be updated. If you find a link is no longer valid let me know but this is one of several pages that while I'm going to keep it up I no longer have the time to maintain it.

Miscellaneous "A" Links || Miscellaneous "B" Links || Miscellaneous "C" Links || Miscellaneous "D" Links || Miscellaneous "E" Links || Miscellaneous "F" Links || Miscellaneous "G" Links || Miscellaneous "H" Links || Miscellaneous "I" Links || Miscellaneous "J" Links || Miscellaneous "K" Links || Miscellaneous "L" Links || Miscellaneous "M" Links || Miscellaneous "N" Links || Miscellaneous "O" Links || Miscellaneous "P" Links || Miscellaneous "Q" Links || Miscellaneous "R" Links || Miscellaneous "S" Links || Miscellaneous "T" Links || Miscellaneous "U" Links || Miscellaneous "V" Links || Miscellaneous "W" Links || Miscellaneous "X" Links || Miscellaneous "Y" Links || Miscellaneous "Z" Links

Miscellaneous "A" Links
  1. A Window To A Friend
  2. Aakers College
  3. Abandoned Missile Base VR Tour
  6. Acronym and Abbreviation List
  7. Activity Idea Place
  8. Adobe Systems, Inc. Home Page
  9. ADOL (Adolescence Directory On-Line)
  10. Alchemy Mindworks Inc
  11. Alesa Baker Collection
  12. Alka Seltzer
  13. All-Yours Internet Solutions
  14. Allalpha Links
  15. Alloy Home
  17. Alternative Medicine Digest
  18. Aluminum Association
  19. Always Evolving
  20. America OnLine
  21. Americans for Balanced Energy Choices
  22. American Academy of Dermatology
  23. American Academy of Forensic Sciences
  24. American Association of Retired Persons
  25. American Bar Association
  26. American Girl
  27. American Kennel Club
  28. American Legends
  29. American Police Hall of Fame Museum
  30. American Red Cross
  31. American Renaissance
  33. Amtrak
  35. Anagram Genius Server
  36. Anamchara
  37. Ange1eyes7 Home Page
  38. Animal Planet
  39. Annie M's Collectibles Online Catalogs
  40. Annie's Corner
  41. Peter Anspach's Star Trek Parody Pages
  42. Any Soldier Inc.
  43. AOL Hometown
  44. Arlington Heights, Illinois
  45. Armory
  46. Art Cars In Cyberspace
  47. Art Crimes
  48. Art Gallery by Sonia M. Corral
  49. Artchive
  50. Arthur Frommer's Encyclopedia Of Travel
  51. Arts & Crafts Room
  52. Arval Benicoeur's Place
  53. Asphyxiation
  54. Associated Press, The
  55. AT&T Home Page
  56. Aubrey Organics
  57. Automobile Association (AAA)
  58. Autopedia™ - Automotive Encyclopedia
  59. AutoSpeak
  60. AVP Virus Encyclopedia
Miscellaneous "B" Links
  1. B-Eye
  2. BallerIcons
  3. Bank Of America
  4. Banner Generator
  5. Barr's Web Page
  6. Bartlett, John, comp. 1919, Familiar Quotations
  7. Bathrooms of Madison County
  8. BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
  9. Beanie Baby (Virtual Beanie Babies)
  10. Beauty be Woman-History of Women In America
  11. Becky's Page
  12. Beer Across America (Microbrewery Beer of the Month club)
  13. Bell Witch
  14. BellaOnline
  15. Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream
  16. Berlin Wall
  17. Best Paranormal Sites Online
  19. BethAnne's Home Page
  20. Bible Table
  21. Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
  22. BigKid Hair Styling Salon
  23. Bill Amend's Web Page
  24. Billennium
  25. Biography
  26. Biorhythm
  28. Black Vault
  29. Blair Witch Legend, The
  30. Bloomberg Online
  31. Blue Eyes Place
  32. Blue Sky Beverage Company
  33. Bodega Chocolates
  34. Christian Boeving
  35. BOOK HAPPY - World of Weird Books
  36. Boston Symphony Orchestra
  37. Bowling Home Page
  39. Branwen (nano) Breweries
  40. Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program
  41. BRETTnews!
  42. Britannica Internet Guide
  43. Britannica Online
  44. British Titles of Nobility
  45. (Yahoo! Events)
  46. The Brookings Institution
  48. BU's Interactive WWW Games
  49. Buffalo Wild Wings
  50. Bumperland Kids
  51. Bunny's Place
  52. Business Week's Computer Room
Miscellaneous "C" Links
  2. Cambridge University Press
  3. Cardavenue: Gift Card Exchange
  4. Campus Crusade for Christ International
  5. Canting Dictionary
  6. Capitol Steps Home Page
  7. Card Games
  8. Carol Widman's Candy Company
  9. Carrie Hernandez
  10. Cartoon Factory
  11. Cartoon Network
  12. Casino Center
  13. Castle Falkenstein
  14. Castles of Britain
  15. CatalogLink
  16. CatalogSite
  17. Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
  18. CAWS Corp Home Page
  19. CDNOW
  20. CECIL
  21. Census Bureau Population Clock (kinda neat!)
  22. Center for Chihuahua Exploitation (funny)
  23. Center for Millennial Studies
  24. Central Florida Resource Page
  25. Chalice Well Glastonbury
  26. Checks Unlimited
  27. Chemicool Periodic Table
  28. Cherokee Cultural Society of Houston
  29. CHERUBS - The Assoc. of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Research, Advocacy & Support
  30. Chevrolet
  31. Child Lures
  32. Children's Music Web
  33. Children's Storybooks Online
  34. The Christian Science Monitor
  35. Christianity Online
  36. Christy's Garden
  37. Church of the Most High Goddess, Religion of the Goddesses
  38. CIA World Factbook 2001
  39. Cigar Affair (Cigar of the Month club)
  40. citibank
  41. Citizen Corps
  42. City Farmer's Urban Agriculture Notes
  43. CitySearch
  44. Citizen's Self-Arrest Form
  45. Class Act Poster
  46. Classification And Rating Administration, The (CARA)
  47. Clear Channel Communications
  49. Cynthia Lea Clark
  50. Cliche Finder
  51. Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email (CAUCE)
  52. Coffee Quest (Gourmet Coffee of the Month club)
  53. CollegeNet
  54. Colonial Hall
  56. Commissar Vanishes
  57. Communist Party USA
  58. Computer Corner
  59. Computer Incident Advisory Capability (CIAC)
  61. Conk!
  62. Consumer Information Center
  63. Consumer Product Safety Commission
  64. Consumer World
  65. Cookie Recipes
  66. Cookie Software (PC)
  67. Coolsig (Email signatures)
  69. Copernic
  70. Cory's Mafia Page
  71. Cosmetic Cop - Paula Begoun
  72. Cox Radio
  73. Creeds & Confessions
  74. Crime Library
  75. Crime Meets Love: Mysteries w/ Romance
  76. Critterhaven's Portal
  77. Crystal Cathedral
  78. Cybersatirist Bob Hirschfeld
  79. Cynical Mood Generator
  80. Cyrano
Miscellaneous "D" Links
  1. Dad's On the Web
  3. Dave April
  4. Dazyroses Home Away from Home
  5. DC Landmarks
  6. Dead People Server
  7. Death Clock
  8. Deb's Unofficial Walt Disney World Information Guide
  9. Deep Space 2: Mars Microprobe
  10. Densa Page
  11. Design By Lime
  12. Dialectizer, The
  13. Diana Rowe Martinez
  14. Dibbs ISP
  16. DigiDay
  17. Dilbert Zone
  18. Discovery Kids
  19. DL Interactive
  20. dMarie Time Capsule
  21. Doctor Fun Page
  22. DOE: Human Radiation Experiments
  23. Dogmark
  24. Doll's Music Domain
  25. Domain of Darkness
  26. Domino's Pizza
  27. Donna's Pages
  28. Dooney & Bourke
  30. Dr. Pepper
  31. Dr. Solomon's Online
  32. Drew's Scriptorama
  33. Drive In Theater
  34. Drudabaugh & Friends
  35. Drudge Report
  36. Dryden Research Aircraft Photo Gallery
  38. Duck Pond Public Unix
  39. Dummies Daily
Miscellaneous "E" Links
  1. E Street Journal
  2. Early Childhood Manufacturers Direct
  3. EarthCam
  4. EarthLink
  5. Earthly Charms
  6. EarthStation1
  7. East Coast Yacht Charters, Inc.
  8. eBay
  9. EDGAR Online
  11. Education Index
  12. Eeeek Net
  13. Egghead
  14. eGroups (Now Yahoo Groups)
  15. Egyptian Gods Description
  17. Elance Enterprise
  18. Electronic Privacy Information Center
  19. eLibs
  20. Ellery Queen
  21. eLottonet
  22. Elvis Killed Kennedy!
  24. Personality Tests & Quotes
  25. Encarta Encyclopedia
  26. Endangered Species
  27. Enterprise plc
  28. EnviroLink
  29. Esupplystore
  30. Etymology
  31. Eve & Adam Resources
Miscellaneous "F" Links
  1. FAA Homepage
  2. Fact Sheet on FCC, ISP's & Access Charges
  3. Factbook on Intelligence
  4. Family Camping Checklist
  5. Family of the Americas Home Page
  7. Famous Birthdays
  8. Famous Last Words
  9. Fantasy Fuel
  10. Farcus Comic
  11. Fargo, North Dakota (City home page)
  12. FCC Homepage
  13. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
  14. Fedstats
  15. Fidelity Investments Home Page
  16. Fight Spam on the Internet
  17. Fireworks
  18. Florida Lottery
  19. Flowers Picked
  20. Flying Cow, The
  21. Fodor's Travel Online
  22. For Romantic Gifts
  23. Forensic Anthropology Center
  24. Forensic Science Web Page
  25. Forever Fit
  26. Forever Loved Productions
  27. Fortean Times
  28. Foundation Center
  29. Fragrant Flames Candle Company
  30. Free Christian Web Pages & Email
  31. Free Money
  32. FreedWings Journey Through Where Love Prevails
  33. Frito-Lay
  34. Frogland
  36. Futurenet
Miscellaneous "G" Links
  1. Gamelan: The Official Java Directory
  3. GameSpot
  4. Gang Land
  5. Gap
  6. Garden of Bad Things
  7. Garfield
  8. Gartner Group
  9. Gabin de Becker, Inc.
  10. Geographic Nameserver
  11. Geostationary Satellite Server
  12. Get a Chinese Name
  13. Gift Card Buy Back
  14. Gift Cards Again
  15. Gift Ideas
  17. GiSCO
  18. The Glaucoma Foundation
  19. Gold Points
  20. Good Humor/Breyer's
  21. Google Earth
  22. Grandpa Tucker's Rhymes and Tales
  23. Graphics By Swt MeloDe
  25. The Gravity Society
  26. Great Thinkers and Visionaries
  27. GreenWatch
  28. Grief Recovery Online
  29. Guess the Dictator/Sit-Com Character
  30. Guild of One-Name Studies
  31. Gun Replicas
  32. Guru
Miscellaneous "H" Links
  2. Hall of Church History
  3. Hampster Dance
  4. Hangman
  5. Hanksville
  6. Happy Face Crater On Mars
  7. Happy Puppy
  8. Harpland Music
  9. Have A Happy Day
  10. HealthGate
  11. Healthtouch
  12. Heart Prints by TiggHeart
  13. Helicopter History Site
  14. Help Me Harlan!
  17. Hiroshima Archives
  18. Historic Tours Of America
  19. History - Provence-Beyond (Beyond the French Riviera)
  20. Hoax Information
  21. The Hobbit Name Generator
  22. Honeysuckle White: Turkey Recipes and Information
  23. Hot Sheet
  24. Hot Wheels
  26. House of Blues
  27. How Far Is It?
  28. How To Keep An Idiot Busy
  29. How To Repair A PC
  30. HTML Cheatsheet
  31. HTML Goodies
  32. The HTML Writers Guild
  33. Hubble Heritage Project Dust Jacket
  34. Hugh O'Gorman
  35. Hundred Acre Woods
  36. Hunter's Hope
  37. Hut's Place
  38. Hypnotic
Miscellaneous "I" Links
  1. icFlorida (Inside Central Florida)
  2. ICQ
  3. Imaginarium - Digital Artwork
  4. InfoBeat
  5. InfoLane
  6. Information Boulevard
  7. Ingram Book Group
  8. Insight
  9. Inspiration Point Romance & Love
  10. InteliHealth
  11. Intellectual Property Law Server
  12. Interesting Ideas
  13. International Star Registry
  14. International Wine Cellars (Primier Wine of the Month club)
  16. Internet Address Finder
  17. Internet Broadcasting Systems
  18. Internet Classics Archive
  19. Internet Content Rating Assocation
  20. Internet Gaming Zone
  21. Internet Public Library
  22. Internet Reference Sites
  23. Internet Scam Busters
  24. Internet Traffic Report
  25. IPlay
  26. Ipswich City Council & Region Online Services
  27. Ireland Now
  28. Ireland's History in Maps
  29. Irish Culture & Customs
  30. Irish Family History Foundation for Irish Roots
Miscellaneous "J" Links
  1. Jacques Cabaret
  2. Jazz Age Slang
  3. Jazz Stuff
  4. Jeff Rense
  5. Jelly Belly
  6. Jennifer Government: NationStates
  8. Jesus Film Project
  9. Jim's "That Cheese Lovin' Dude" Website
  11. John Hersey High School
  12. Jonathan Brandmeier
  13. Judy's Graphics Galore
  14. Julia Simon's Homepage
  15. Jumble
  16. Jumbo! Download Network
  17. Juno
Miscellaneous "K" Links
  1. Kahtt's Lair
  2. Kat's Kreations
  3. Kathy's Romance Corner
  4. Katy's Home on the Web
  5. KaZaA Media Desktop
  6. KEGK 106.9 FM (Fargo)
  7. Kelley Blue Book
  8. Kennedy Space Center
  9. Kenzie's Continuing Stupidity
  10. KFAB 92.7 FM (Fargo)
  11. KFGO 790 AM (Fargo)
  12. Kidney Snatchers
  13. Kids-in-Mind
  14. Kim Komando Radio Show
  15. Kingdomality
  16. Kissed
  17. Kitty's Back Door
  18. Kitty's Daily Mews
  19. KKBX 101.9 FM (Fargo)
  20. KLTA 105.1 (Fargo)
  21. Knighthood, Chivalry & Tournament Glossary of Terms
  22. Knights of Probity
  23. KPFX 107.9 FM (Fargo)
  24. KQWB 98.7 FM (Fargo)
  25. KRVI 95.1 FM (Fargo)
  26. KVLY Ch. 11, NBC affiliate
  27. KVOX 99.9 FM, 1280 AM (Fargo)
  28. KXJB Ch. 4, CBS affiliate (Fargo)
Miscellaneous "L" Links
  1. Labyrinth
  3. Lady Belle Outlaw's Hideout
  4. Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center (formerly National Wildflower Research Center)
  5. Landings
  6. Law Dictionary and Legal Encyclopedia
  7. Law News Network
  9. LB-Web
  10. Leave Work Early
  11. Leena's Goodie Room at Writerspace
  13. Lethal Penguin
  14. Libraries at Duke University
  15. Library Land
  16. Life Story Writing Network
  17. Lightning Protection Institute
  18. Linky & Dinky
  19. LinxNet Web Index
  20. ListServe
  22. Lonely Planet
  23. Long's Christian Book Store
  24. Looksmart
  25. Lotusbud's Corner
  26. Lou Bega Web site
  27. Louise Brooks Society
  28. Louise's Lodge
  29. Louvre
  30. Love & Romance Home Page
  31. Love & Marriage - Quotes for Toasts
  32. Love Blender
  33. Love Calculator
  34. Love Links
  36. Lovely Rose
  38. Lucille's Country Home
  39. Luminarium
  40. LView Pro
  41. LYNX - Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority
Miscellaneous "M" Links
  1. M&M's Network
  2. Madeleine
  3. Major General Tremorden Rederring's Colonial Wargames Page
  4. Mall of America
  5. MangaArt Archive
  6. MapBlast
  7. MapQuest
  8. Maps On Us
  9. Maritime Terms and Definitions
  10. Mark's Apology Note Generator
  11. Masters Family
  12. Math Builder
  13. Math Goodies
  14. Mayflower Web Pages
  16. The Maze
  18. Mean Kitty
  19. Medicine Online
  20. MedicineNet
  21. Medscape
  22. Men's Fashions of the 1920s
  23. Men's Vintage Fashions
  24. Mental Health History Timeline
  25. Merriam-Webster
  26. Metamucil
  27. Metric System Table
  28. MetroBlogging
  29. Metrolpolitan Museum of Art Costume Collection
  30. Metropolitan Opera, The
  31. Michael's Page
  32. Middle Ages
  33. Milieux: The Costume Site
  34. Military Alphabet Code
  35. Military Phonetic Alphabet & Morse Code
  36. Mind Reader Game
  37. MinutemanHQ
  38. Mirsk-T Fashions
  39. Misconceptions: AOL
  40. Mistress of the Temple
  41. Mix 105.1 FM
  42. Mob Story
  44. Moon and Back Graphics
  45. Morgan's Keep
  46. Motion Picture Association
  47. Mountain Arts Gallery
  48. MousePlanet
  50. Mulan Superfan Page
  51. MultiCity
  52. Museum of Bad Art
  53. Museum Of Unnatural History
  55. MusicSearch
  56. Music Choice
  57. MVP Software
  58. My Dark Poetry
  59. My Virtual Reference Desk
  62. Mystical WWW

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