This page last updated December 13, 2007. All bad links were deleted.

This will be a companion to my Yahoo Announcement Only Group
and my LiveJournal. New for 2006 you will find notices of all my fic updates in one place so you don't have to jump from fandom to fandom, ship to ship to get to the new stuff. The newest additions will be listed first, so the list will be chronologically backwards, as much as it bothers me to do it that way *s*

If you have any comments or suggestions, you know where to find me.

  • A Shortage of Sweet Dreams
    Part 1 (of 3) added Nov. 29, 2003 and is complete. This is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic with general spoilers for the entire series, specifically Season 2 and what was done to Giles by Angelus. Giles is still not all right from his ordeal with Angelus over four years ago. This is a Buffy/Giles fic.
  • International Flavor
    Added Nov. 09, 2003 and is complete in 1 part. This is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic with spoilers through Season 2, Inca Mummy Girl. Buffy wants a little international loving at the dance and Angel isn't around. This is a Buffy/Spike fic.
  • A Little Less of a Fruitcake
    Parts 1-8 (of 13) added Aug. 11-Nov. 29, 2003 and is complete. This is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel fic with spoilers through Season 7 of BtVS and Season 4 of AtS. All potential slayers are now slayers and Spike gave up his life to save the world. Now what does Buffy do? This is a Buffy/Angel fic.
  • A Letter From Wade
    Part 5 added Jul. 09, 2003 and is still a WIP. This is a Gone With the Wind fic. Six months after Rhett leaves Scarlett and Atlanta he receives a letter from Wade Hampton asking him to return.
  • Bronzing It
    Added Apr. 3, 2003 and is complete in 1 part. This is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic with spoilers for Season 2, School Hard. Spike decides to stake out the Slayer instead of sending the minion out to feed and drawing her out. This is a Buffy/Spike fic.
  • In the Kiss
    Added Mar. 2003 and is complete in 1 part. This is an Anita Blake fic set during Guilty Pleasures. A little ficlet about Jean-Claude and Anita's first kiss on the way to see Nikolaos.
  • Giving In To Passion
    Parts 1-23 (of 23) added Jan. 19, 2003-Jul. 3, 2003 and is complete. This is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic set during Season 2 after Passion. Angelus discovers Buffy's secret before Buffy tells him herself. This is a Buffy/Angelus fic and it is definitely rated FRM.
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit
    Added Jan. 04, 2003 and is complete in 1 part. This is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic with spoilers through Season 5, The Real Me. What happens between Buffy and Giles when they investigate the back room that Giles says could be used as a training room. This is a bit of Buffy/Giles PWP.
  • Memories That Weren't There
    Parts 15-17 (of 17) added Jan. 02, 2003 and is complete. This is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel fic with spoilers through Tabula Rasa as well as I Will Remember You specifically. Buffy has memories of one night of passion with a human Angel and pays Angel a visit. This is a Buffy/Angel fic.
  • Running From Olaf
    Parts 5-8 (of 8) added Jan. 2003 and is complete. This is an Anita Blake fic set after the book Obsidian Butterfly. Edward takes Anita back to St. Louis and the safety of Jean-Claude and the Circus of the Damned until he can catch up to and find Olaf.
  • BtVS-post Episodic Fics
    Fics for all Season 1 episodes and through What's My Line, Part 1 of Season 2 were added during 2003 (22 in all). These are one-shots and are complete.

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