Severus wasn't the most popular professor at Hogwarts even post-war, however, over the past two school years students found that he was not as bad as he'd been reputed to be. Some, it was rumored, even enjoyed and looked forward to Potions class and his lessons.
Yes, he was strict and did not tolerate inattentiveness, however, no longer being a spy and perhaps being happy for the first time ever in his life they found him much more patient. Now, too, that he no longer had to act as though he loathed anyone not a Slytherin he could actually teach.
Regardless of blood status or house.
He could take the time with a struggling student to coach them. Longbottom had turned into a decent potioner for his needs in Herbology, but Severus got somewhat sad at the potential wasted because he could not show a child of the Order any leniency or the appearance of favoritism by tutoring him.
And all right, in Longbottom's particular case, yes his simpering and cowering in his first few years drove him nuts. His grandmother had done the young wizard no favors!
The past few weeks, though, he'd been irritable and short. Detentions for talking too loud were not uncommon. The students didn't know what to make of it. Some of the younger year students were not familiar with this Severus Snape. They'd assumed the stories were exaggerated, a part of his reputation.
He knew she was all right. She'd sent him an owl three weeks ago.
Three weeks ago.
Dearest Severus,
It's done. Buffy did not make it. I have some injuries but nothing I won't recover from, I promise. There may be a new scar or two, but nothing to rival Dolohov or Bellatrix's handiwork. Just warning you ahead of time so that you are not shocked, I guess.
I am staying for a while to help. They are understandably quite lost, all of them. I don't think they ever thought they would actually lose her. They did once for a few minutes, if you recall, and I think they all assumed she could survive or come back from anything after that.
I'm not sure I ever thought she would die and I haven't fought beside her for years as her friends have.
She gave her life. And still no one knows. I look around when I go to the grocery store, or help on patrols and no one has a clue how close yet again they came to perishing or having evil unleashed on them.
And then I'm left wondering…
Who will stop the next Glory, First Evil, Mayor, or Master? She's dead! She can't keep them safe anymore. She can't stop them anymore.
I don't even know what to say about Spike.
How can two vampires love the same woman and have such drastically different responses to love and to the woman causing them to feel that way?
Angel loved her completely but without his soul couldn't stand the thought of it. Loving her I mean. I think he still loved her, but he didn't want to. He didn't like feeling that way. He hated being reminded of being human. He still loves her from what I can suss out, just wanted her to have the chance at a normal life that he knew he absolutely could not provide her with. A part of me thinks Riley was proof that she was not going to be able to achieve that, but it was not my place to intervene.
And now she's dead. So why did he even leave? What was the point?
Spike, on the other hand, has no soul and clearly does love her. It started as creepy and rather obsessive from what the others have told me about things that happened over the past year. Various things like stealing some of her clothes to offering to kill Drusilla for her. (I'm not sure that would actually have been a bad thing, but again not my place to intervene.) He got severely beaten, Severus, to protect Dawn. Does that speak to someone incapable of feeling? Someone who is solely a monster with no redeeming qualities?
And now. Well, he's just lost. They all are, like I said, but it's really hit him hard. I think because no one else is acknowledging that he's grieving, too. That he truly cared. So they're sort of dismissing him. I try, but he's like someone else I know and not overly easy to get to know if he doesn't want you to.
I know this is what you meant by the Council possibly fearing Buffy remaining as the Slayer much longer. You're probably right. What are the odds, though, that two vampires capable of such feelings would be here in Sunnydale and encounter this slayer?
What else?
Giles will be heading back to London. I've helped him box up some of his things. He seems so lost. I can't blame him. I don't get the impression many slayers live to see the age of twenty.
I look at all of these people who cared for her, who had her back. We all loved her and were doing our best to ensure she survived to see another day and fight another baddie.
This time we failed.
I'm not sure I've gone to sleep with dry eyes yet. I just keep going over it in my head. Should I have tried this spell first? Could I have done anything different?
She's gone, Severus, and the world doesn't even know what she did. What she stopped from happening.
What any of them have done throughout time.
It seems so unfair. Such a thankless job. It's different than our war somehow. This has been going on for centuries.
To each generation a slayer is born. One girl in all the world, a chosen one.
But there were two.
So, now it is back to only one.
I worry, too, for Faith's safety.
With Buffy gone, she is the only slayer. She is in prison. The line goes through her. In case you don't remember, Faith was called because a second slayer, Kendra, was killed during the whole Acathala thing. The Slayer line, therefore, in actuality goes through Faith not Buffy. Buffy being here was pretty much a fluke. She could have walked away at any time after that moment, I suppose. She would never have done that, though. She even stayed in Sunnydale in spite of getting accepted at a reputable midwest college. Well, you heard her say that.
So, I worry.
Will they, you know who (there's a phrase I swore I'd never use again!), do something to expedite a new slayer being called?
Obviously an imprisoned slayer does the world no good. She can't fight vampires and demons from a prison cell.
Yes, I have come to the conclusion that they are capable of doing such a thing.
That probably means it is well and truly time for me to move on. I'm not sure I want to get attached to someone else only to lose her, too. I really don't know that I could assist another slayer, allow her to be faceless but not have my experiences with Buffy influence me.
I'm not sure I want to work for a company who would go through the channels necessary to ensure a new one is called. And I believe they not only could but would. It's just a matter of time I would think. The world isn't safe without one actively performing their duties.
I'll be home as soon as I feel comfortable leaving. I love you and the spells you taught me did help. Thank you. I know you felt uncomfortable dipping into them, teaching them to me as if you thought I would judge you for knowing them. They truly were necessary, and I love you more not less for trusting me with that knowledge.
That was almost a month ago and she still had yet to return.
It wasn't that he begrudged her mourning for her friend or assisting her friend's friends in their time of need.
No, that wasn't it at all.
He would expect no less from Hermione but to stay until she thought her assistance was necessary. Or at least as essential
He did not begrudge her that at all. It was what made her her. And made him love her.
It was that he was stuck in this blasted castle and position when his witch needed him.
For the first time in his life he wanted to do something for someone, to be there for them in a time of need and he could not be there. So, she was alone and hurting and he felt helpless. It was a very different feeling for him, something he was not familiar with because until Hermione he'd never allowed himself to truly care for anyone else since Lily.
"Severus," Minerva's voice came from his fireplace.
He sighed heavily and stood to walk there.
"Yes, Minerva."
"Severus, I'm coming through."
"Of course you are," he said simply.
"Well then," he said once she stood in front of his sitting room fireplace.
"Miss Shelly says that you took points from her for having her robe misbuttoned."
"This is getting out of hand, Severus. It's been years since I've seen you this ornery. Did you and Hermione have some sort of quarrel?"
"No. She's not back from California yet."
"Oh," she said.
Minerva was not entirely sure what Hermione did, Severus had only told her about her employer. He had not mentioned her direct work with the Slayer, but she was aware that there was some danger involved. He had filled her in roughly, an outline type breakdown. He had not felt … right betraying the confidence the Watchers Council entrusted Hermione with. Yes, she told him but that didn't mean he should be telling other people more than the basics.
"I'm stuck here," he said, gesturing to his rooms but meaning the castle in general.
"You could ask for time off."
"And who's going to teach my classes?"
"I could for what's remaining of the year. It's only a week of classes. I could also call Horace."
Severus scowled at that.
There it was.
He was honestly afraid to ask Minerva, afraid she'd deny him his request of needing time off. Considering he'd never asked for time off in almost twenty years, and worked while recovering from the Cruciatus as well as other torture. Well, he thought he was due. He did not want to risk finding out that for all her platitudes indicating forgiveness that she didn't agree he was due some personal time.
"I have no way of getting there," he said lamely.
"Funny, because I know you know how to make a portkey, Severus."
He smirked at her, the fire in her eyes aimed at him but not in a bad way. She was truly concerned. She wanted to help him. It was odd to see that look aimed at him by someone other than Hermione.
"Are you encouraging me to create an unauthorized portkey?"
"Would it help this mood you're in?"
"Then, look at that, here's a muggle newspaper. Use it and away with you before you scare our students for no reason."
"It's late," he said.
"Not in California even I know that."
He sighed. "She may not want…"
"Severus Snape. Go."
He sighed, creating the portkey once he took the muggle newspaper from her.
"I do hope you plan on making an honest witch out of her sometime soon."
He scowled. He wasn't doing anything to make a dishonest witch out of her. "We are fine."
"Severus," she said cautiously and he knew that tone.
Yes, he knew that she deserved far more than what they were currently doing.
He wanted her to decide what she wanted to do, though, without any influence by him, direct or indirect. He had purchased a ring. It currently sat nestled in velvet in a jeweler's box while he determined when, if, he should initiate that step. If only because he still expected her to walk away from bitter, scarred Severus Snape who had little to offer her in the grand scheme of things.
Certainly less than he believed that she deserved. He wasn't a pauper, but he still wasn't sure that he had a whole lot to offer her that would lead to a lifetime of happiness.
The idea of marriage had truly not occurred to him as being in the realm of possibilities in his life. So when it was appropriate to initiate such an end he truly wasn't sure.
Maybe she didn't really wish to return to the wizarding world.
Maybe she wanted only to see her friends to assure herself that she'd made the correct decision leaving it behind.
He didn't think so. He could see in her eyes how much she loved and missed Hogwarts when she spent time here with him. It had been … enjoyable spending time with her in Hogwarts' library these past few months watching her work with no immediate threat to her best friend's life. Glory could have killed her at any time yet hadn't, which hadn't made sense but they both realized there had to be a reason. And imminent danger for a slayer was far different than him or Minerva. Watching her work and use her mind without having to tell her to not dig too deeply because he had no time to read any extra than what he assigned. He'd loved watching her in all stages of research. The disappointment of finding nothing. The excitement of thinking she found a thread to follow, even though those threads led to nothing about Glory.
Was that wrong?
Did he ask her to marry him? Bond with him even though she was still uncertain about her career path?
He wanted her to do what she wanted to do, not what she thought he'd want or expect.
He sighed.
Yet another thing to think on. As if he knew about such things. The only person he knew to ask on such matters he didn't think his witch would appreciate him consulting. He somehow doubted she'd appreciate the fact Draco Malfoy knew he was thinking of marriage ahead of time.
"You need to change your clothes, Severus."
"I am aware, Minerva. If you leave me I will get ready and leave."
"Fine. I will contact Horace in the morning, but in the worst case I will assign them reading or review on Monday."
"Very well."
"And Severus?"
"She is all right?"
"Yes, she is. Her friend, Buffy, did not make it."
"I'm sorry to hear that, but for your sake I am glad that she did."
"As am I."
"You deserve happiness, Severus. You deserve her," she said and he nodded simply. It was a bitter pill to swallow, thinking that he deserved anything. Yet here was this witch who just a few years ago believed him to be vile and evil saying that he did, in fact, deserve this.
Minerva left then, leaving him to shower and shave before dressing in some muggle clothing appropriate for California versus Scotland. At least it was June and not January. Finally, he was ready to go, so he picked up the newspaper Minerva had given him and whispered "Venice Beach" before being whisked away to the yard behind Buffy's home. Hoping that he wasn't making a mistake. Hoping that she wouldn't take his coming as a sign that he didn't trust her, or worse that his presence was not welcome or needed.
He arrived where he intended.
"Oh, hey, Severus," the male friend of Buffy said.
"Hello, Xander."
"I heard something out here, came to see what it was. I figured it was daylight so wasn't going to be anything too evil, but we can't be too safe right now. Sorry if I startled you."
He hadn't really thought about how it would appear to the Slayer's friends, him suddenly appearing in her yard just a month after losing her.
"I apologize as well for appearing suddenly."
"No problem. Our house is your house, or something like that. I mean it's not really our house but right now it sort of is."
Severus couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the young man. Likely his world was somewhat confused right now. All that he'd known for the past five years was suddenly different. Their friend was dead. Their town was on a hellmouth and drew evil like flowers attracted bees. Their lives had always been in danger even if they weren't aware of that fact prior to Buffy's arrival. Now, though, they knew about things and were rather powerless to stop those things from running amok.
"Is Hermione here?"
"Oh, yeah, of course you didn't come to see me. Not that you couldn't, but, uh, yeah. Yes, she is," he said. "So, did you just come here from Scotland?"
"I did," Severus said.
"That is so cool," Xander said and Severus couldn't help but chuckle.
"It can be." He could admit that. Magic was, in fact, very cool. Most of the time.
"Anyway, she's upstairs. I think she's in Buffy's room. I'm pretty sure she might be sleeping. There might have been some alcohol involved last night."
"Yeah, we don't do that often, but it sort of just hit us. You know? Anyway, Willow and Tara are staying in Joyce's room so Hermione got Buffy's."
"Oh, right," he said. That would make sense if they were staying with Dawn.
"You know the way?"
"I do," he said. "Thank you!"
"See you later I presume."
"I would assume so, yes."
He made his way up the stairs. He'd only been up here once before to use the facilities, so he knew which door those were behind. He remembered Buffy pointing out to them which room was hers when they were in her yard one day during their visit here. That was just six months ago.
Such a senseless loss.
And as Hermione said, no one knew.
He made his way in that direction, pushing the door open.
He hadn't seen her in over a month. She'd ended up spending a week or two at the Watchers Council headquarters prior to heading to Sunnydale trying to find some way someone else hadn't found to defeat Glory or stop the ritual once it had begun. She was likely the only one in the Council who actually cared that the Slayer could die a brutal death at the hands of the god.
He never imagined the day would come where he would miss someone. How had he come to care for this witch so much? He tried to place when it happened as he watched her sleeping on the bed. Looking at her like this, one would never imagine she was as powerful as she was. She looked like any other sleeping young woman.
The spells he'd worked at teaching her were not nice or designed to do anything but severely maim or kill. She'd rolled up her figurative sleeves and gotten to work, knowing these spells may be the difference between her friend surviving or not. He'd hated teaching them to her, but he would not lose her due to lack of preparation. She'd taken to them, though, and it had been arousing and heady to watch her magical knowledge grow under his tutelage.
His woman.
Was it her first letter?
Had that started it?
That she'd reached out to him of all the people in the wizarding world?
He really wasn't sure. All he knew was two years later he was well and truly in love with her. He wanted forever with her, however long that amounted to for them. He wanted to be able to shout from the rooftops that she was his wife.
He closed the distance to the bed, waving his hand to wandlessly brush her hair away from her face. He pulled his boots off before subtly moving her closer to the wall and sliding onto the bed next to her.
He turned to look over his shoulder at a sound, seeing Xander looking at them from the door. The young man simply nodded and closed the door behind him. Severus took in the room, very much a young woman's room, well as much as he had any idea what a young woman's bedroom would look like. He'd never had occasion to see one until now.
It made him wonder what Hermione's had looked like. Her house had been destroyed so he supposed he'd never know, unless she shared her memories with him. He'd never ask her to do that, knowing that would be painful. He'd shared memories of his house with her because his parents were dead and while there were times he missed them, even his father, his life hadn't changed particularly much from them being in it to not.
He slid his arm around her, gathering her against him and smiling despite himself at the small groan she gave in response.
"I have you, Love," he whispered.
"Mmm," she murmured, snuggling in against him. "Safe."
"Yes, you are safe," he said, brushing a kiss against her cheek. "I vow for the rest of my days to keep you that way, Love."
He drifted off here and there, never falling too deeply asleep despite the fact it was the end of his day. Eventually he felt her stir beside him. He didn't think it'd been longer than a couple of hours.
"Rough night Xander said," he murmured.
"Yeah," she said, yawning as she stretched beside him. "No one seems to know where Buffy and Dawn's dad is."
"And while Dawn realizes she's not really his, he doesn't know that she's not. So, she's feeling pretty lost and crappy that her dad would just move out of his house with no word."
"I see," he said.
"Willow and I offered to do a locator spell, but I think she wants to stay here."
"Which is why Willow and Tara are sleeping in Joyce's room," he surmised.
"Will that work?"
"They're working on it," she said. She leaned up a bit on her elbow, a hand at his chest. She looked … tired. Haggard. He could see it in her eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"Nice to know that I am missed."
"Oh, you most certainly have been missed," she said, reaching up to kiss him. "Six weeks is entirely too long."
He chuckled softly. "I wholeheartedly agree."
He turned onto his side, facing her and grazing a hand along her hip. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," she said. "I took for granted that I could do it, you know?"
"I am sure that you helped, Hermione."
She shrugged and he knew the dismissive gesture did not match her feelings on this subject. She was no doubt feeling she'd let her friend down.
"She's still dead."
"And yet," he said, gesturing around them. "The world still spins. I am not being flippant. You cared for her, but she did her duty."
"I know, I know. I made the mistake of getting close to her."
He slid his thumb along her cheek, grazing under her eye as he did. "I wouldn't call that a mistake, Hermione. Caring isn't a mistake. Trust me as someone who closed his feelings off for twenty years. It is far worse not caring."
"I like you caring," she whispered, sliding a foot along his calf.
"I'm growing to like it, too," he said. "I truly am not being flippant, Hermione, but she knew anytime she went into a fight even against just one vampire that there was always the chance. Didn't you tell me one wounded her pretty badly once with her own stake? Yet she went. Every time. It sounds like even during her time away in LA she still gave into the needs of her calling."
"I know, I do. She was a hero, and I need to remember that."
"You do, you will, and figure out a way to honour her sacrifice. She would appreciate your tears, I know that, but speaking as someone who was willing to die to see a project to completion. I wanted to know the world was a better place for everyone after me even if the world I left behind hated me in the process. You are a hero, too, Hermione. Do not forget that."
She nodded. He brushed away some dampness from her eyes with his thumb, kissing some away as well.
"I'm going to turn in my notice. I can't work for them anymore, Severus. They knew for a while I think what she was, but just left Buffy wondering. Let her get pummeled not knowing that she'd never win. Likely knowing Dawn was the key to the spell. And I'm not going to sit there and pretend I'm surprised when Faith ends up dead."
"And do what?"
She shrugged. "You said you'd be there for me when I meet Harry and Ron," she said.
He huffed followed by a sigh. It was the last thing that he wanted to do, but she asked very little so of course he would. "I will, of course."
"You think Minerva would hire me?"
"I think adding fighting a god to your list of accomplishments will certainly fluff up your CV."
She snorted softly. "Well, let's get me cleaned up and meet with her."
"Well, not immediately. It's the middle of the night there, but yes. It's time."
"Were you going to come home today?"
"Mm, I don't know that I had put that thought into place yet, but I knew it was time. I was kind of drowning my sorrows in the fact that I've wasted three years of my life."
He sat up then. He didn't scold her for her comments about Potter and Weasley no longer seeing her as their friend. He wanted to, but he could understand as someone who didn't gain friends easily either why she had doubts. This, though, he could not sit by and let her think she wasted anything.
"I will not sit back and allow you to speak of yourself, your life, what you've accomplished that way. You did not waste three years of life, Hermione. You made a difference. I know this end is not what you wanted, but you helped her. Even if it was just by being her friend, someone she knew outside of Sunnydale that she had in her camp. You learned some valuable things. You were able to earn a living and gain knowledge while taking the time you needed to heal. That is not a waste."
"I should have left when I first thought about it."
"I should never have taken the Dark Mark, and yet here I am," he said, holding his left arm out to her. "Would you like to compare foolish choices?"
"Don't say that."
"Stating facts. Being honest. Owning up to my mistakes and failures. Whatever you want to call it. I was thinking when we were here in December and we drove past the property where Sharon Tate was murdered. It bothered me, seeing it, because I'd been there. Not that house, obviously, but I'd lived it. Me. A man who valued my intelligence and considered myself more so than most. I'd been duped and did horrible things. I find it odd that the muggle Charles Manson and Tom Riddle had the idea to start a war at about the same time. The world was ripe for it at the time. I was just a boy, but I remember watching the telly with my parents. It wasn't all peace, love, and harmony. And whose peace were you going by? I'm not sure who scares me the most when I think about either of them succeeding."
"Tom," she said softly.
"Both, though, could ensnare others into believing their rhetoric, believing the bad things they were doing and preaching were for the better. For a greater good."
"Was Dumbledore evil?"
He shrugged, arms resting at his knees now. "Sometimes I wonder. Evil? I don't think so. Wanted power? Loved power? I think so. Is that evil?"
"Raising a boy for slaughter essentially?"
"Yes, that is evil, and yet," he shrugged.
He sighed. He'd had this argument with himself for years. He still hadn't come to anything he thought of being an acceptable answer.
"He thought he was doing what was best for the world," he murmured.
"Yes, that I understand. Not telling anyone…"
"I know, believe me. I've had this argument in my head for going on four years."
"I'm sure you have."
He regarded her laying next to him on her friend's bed, still somewhat sleepy from her rest and judging by the redness in her eyes the imbibing she'd partaken in the previous night according to Xander. She looked … beautiful. He wanted tomorrow morning and the next one, a lifetime of waking up to her just like this.
"Are you of sound mind currently?"
"Yes. I really didn't drink that much."
"I think it might have been fun to see you intoxicated."
She rolled her eyes, but she was clearly amused not annoyed. "Why? Do you think I'd be even more agreeable to your advances drunk?"
"Yes, exactly that."
She giggled then. "We'll reserve a day this summer then and do that, both of us."
"I look forward to it."
"Same. I warn you, it does not take me much to get drunk."
He scoffed.
"Truthfully, same. I did a wonderful impression of being a lush over the years, but I diluted it whenever I could. I knew one drink in the wrong direction would turn me not only into my father but a potential hindrance rather than a tool for the Order. The hangover potions I sent to you for Buffy's use were residuals from before the war ended. There were times that I had to drink to fit in, not doing so would attract attention or seem suspicious. I was in the habit of keeping some on me at all times. Just in case. I enjoy a glass of wine as you've seen, but I do not like losing my faculties the way that imbibing too much of any alcohol causes."
"I suppose," she said, regarding him with a bit of a frown as if she hadn't thought about that before now.
"There was a reason I posed the question of your state of mind."
He regarded her, lying on her friend's bed, knowing her heart was heavy from the loss. He knew the feeling well. Searching through her mind for this or that she could have done or said differently. He went back to what Minerva had said to him in his quarters before coming here.
"I was wondering if you would do me the honour of agreeing to be my wife?"
"Severus," she said.
"I hadn't planned on asking today, so I'm woefully unprepared as far as the ring. I do have one, though. If you say yes, I will of course give it to you. I came here, though, and realized I don't want to go six weeks without seeing you again. I want you to be the first thing I see each morning and the last thing I see each night."
"I want that, too. Yes," she said softly.
He breathed a sigh of relief.
"You thought I'd say no?"
"The thought occurred to me that you might."
"You're not getting rid of me, Severus Snape. No take backs on marriage proposals."
He snorted. As if he was daft enough to attempt to take it back! "Is that right?"
"It is!"
"Come home with me," he murmured.
"Yes," she said.
"My, you are an agreeable witch today."
"You caught me in a weak moment."
He chuckled. "No take backs on proposal acceptances."
"I see how you play."
"Can we say goodbye? So they don't think I'm just leaving? I know I didn't give my other friends the courtesy. I am coming to regret that now. I should have and could have handled it better. Another sign that it's time to return, I think. A year ago, hell six months ago, I felt guilt but not necessarily regret."
"Of course. Minerva I think is prepared for me to be gone all next week, so I have time."
"You do, huh?"
"I do."
She waggled her eyebrows suggestively and he felt his heart thud at the idea that that look was reserved for him. Only for him. She wanted him. Almost two years into this and he was still getting used to that being true. He'd spent so long believing no one ever not just would but could that it still floored him this witch did.
She'd said yes, which mean that look would only always be for him.
"I see what you want me to do with my time."
"Six weeks is a long time. We've already established you think it is, too," she said, extending that lower lip of hers in a, dare he admit it, cute pout. She smiled then, seemingly knowing exactly what he was thinking.
"I am, of course, at your disposal."
"Excellent," she said.
Two days later they were back at Hogwarts. They'd spent a day in Sunnydale before heading back to London. Hermione really didn't want to leave. She did, but she felt as if she was leaving them with a huge unknown mess. No one knew what was going to happen with Dawn, though it sounded as if Willow had some ideas. She made sure Dawn had her email address. What more could she do? This was not where she belonged as much as she cared for them.
They spent a day at their house in Spinners End, enjoying being alone for the first time in weeks as well as putting together her resignation letter before going back to Hogwarts that evening. Severus also gave her the engagement ring he'd bought. She was pretty sure until he'd slid it onto her finger he thought she was, in fact, going to take back her acceptance. It was the last week of classes so if Minerva was going to let the current Defense Against the Dark Arts professor go and hire her. Well, now was probably a good time to do it.
She woke the following morning, nervous to the point she felt sick. Severus regarded her curiously, and if she didn't know better she'd say slightly amused. She also thought she saw panic in his eyes as well. She wondered what that was about. And then it dawned on her.
"No," she said simply when she sat at the table with him to eat breakfast. Breakfast that he'd made for her.
"No?" he asked.
"You were wondering if I might be pregnant."
"I assure you…"
"It's okay, Severus, I'd be panicked, too, right now. Trust me. Not because of you, but because of where I am. I'm just nervous about meeting with Minerva. I've never done anything like this. Lydia approached me. I mean, how often do jobs just walk up to you? I should have known it was too good to be true."
"They did keep their promise to grant you access to their research on memory spells, yes?"
"They did." It hadn't helped, but they did.
"You were a researcher for the Watchers Council and aided the Slayer, and others, out of situations multiple times over the past three years, yes? You helped save hundreds of lives in your capacity as a researcher."
"Well, when put like that."
"You're selling yourself short. Yes, the job presented itself, but you took it and made it yours and did the best you could with it. I'd expect no less from you, and I'm sure Lydia will give you a glowing reference."
"I hope so," she said.
"Not that Minerva needs it. She knows your character, probably better than Lydia."
"You're right."
"Of course I am, and the sooner you learn that the better off we will be."
She rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't be here if I thought you meant that."
"I know you wouldn't. Then again, neither would I."
"Obviously," she said.
They finished breakfast and he sent his dog patronus to Minerva asking her to meet him in her office after breakfast.
"I thought it was a doe," she said after the patronus had left.
"It changed after the war, to something I suppose more suitable to aiding me," he shrugged.
"I feel sort of bad we don't really need to learn more sign language."
She shrugged. "I sort of liked the idea of being able to have a conversation with you without anyone, or many anyway, knowing what we were saying."
"We can still learn. My voice is better, but it will likely never be the level it was once and I do prefer not using it in the evenings when I've used it all day during classes. I use the white board still at times to avoid stress on my throat and vocal chords."
"Okay," she said.
He chuckled. "I love your enthusiasm for learning new things."
"Where was that attitude ten years ago," she quipped, sticking her tongue out at him for good measure.
"I was a little preoccupied."
"I can't imagine with what," she drawled.
"All right, Witch, it's time for me to get on with my day. Minerva I'm sure is curious why I want to meet with her, so let's not keep her waiting, Little Witch."
She put her cloak on, ensuring the hood was up sufficiently so anyone she passed would really have to get a good look to see who she was. He left to head to his classroom while she made her way up to the Headmistress' office. While she was taking steps to return to the magical world, she could not be seen by anyone else before she met with Harry and Ron.
"Mm," she said to the gargoyle. "Valerian," she murmured. She'd almost forgotten the password Severus had imparted to her before he'd left. She doubted many students would know alternatives to catnip.
"Good morning, Sever… Oh, Hermione, Dear. I'm glad to see you've returned."
"Good morning, Headmistress," she said softly.
"I thought we'd already gotten the formalities out of the way, Minerva please. I was expecting Severus, but it does not appear he's with you."
"Yes, well, he sent the patronus for me. He's getting ready for his day downstairs."
"I see. You look tired. Are you all right?"
"Yes, thank you, it's just been a long few weeks," she said. "May I sit?"
"Of course, Dear, forgive my lack of manners. Tell me what I can do for you."
"Well, I'm here regarding a position. In particular the Defense Against the Dark Arts position, but if there are others available that you think I would be better suited for I'd consider them as well."
She presented Minerva with an outline of the past three years of work with the Watchers Council. The research that she'd done, not only to assist the Slayer but others around the world. Obviously her time here as a student spoke for itself, but she included the proficiencies she displayed while on the run and in the final battle. And last the battle she'd been a part of against Glory. They'd succeeded in stopping her, Hermione admittedly still wasn't sure how they'd managed it because she sure seemed unbeatable.
"I currently have a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Hermione," Minerva said, lips thinned. There was a … sparkle in her eyes though that suggested she was amused and intrigued rather than irritated.
"I'm aware, but I have been told you are not particularly pleased with him and that he is not from Britain so may not grasp the … trauma some of the students and their families may still be experiencing."
"Is that a ring on your finger, Miss Granger," the former headmaster said from his portrait behind Minerva.
"Yes, Sir."
Minerva's eyes went from her left hand to her face quickly, shock was there but she saw a smugness, too. She wasn't sure how she felt about that if it was true. Severus had told her how … meddling the former headmaster was. She hoped that behaviour hadn't been handed down to Minerva, too. She didn't want other people involved in their relationship.
"Congratulations. Who is the lucky man?"
"It's Professor Snape, Sir," she said.
Her tone was probably more succinct than it should have been, an engagement was a happy occasion. She sensed, though, that he knew exactly who her fiance was.
"Ah, I told you it would work out for the best in the end, Minnie."
Minerva rolled her eyes. Hermione's went to Phineas Black's portrait. She thought she saw a nod on his part, but she might have been mistaken. At least he wasn't scowling at her and calling her a mudblood.
They talked for over an hour on Hermione's thoughts on the class and why Severus' brief and chaotic tenure as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was, in her opinion, the best they'd experienced.
"The thing is, Minerva, we don't always know what we're going to come up against. Or where. The Slayer was in Sunnydale because of the active hell mouth, but that didn't stop vampires and demons from going elsewhere. You don't always win the first time you go up against an enemy. Sometimes you lose, go back home, regroup, research, and come back another day to fight. I mean, we knew it was Voldemort and Death Eaters, but there's always going to be someone who wants to do something. There will always be threats against Harry and Severus, and likely myself as well because of my blood status. We don't know where they will come from or who it might be. So, yes, we need to teach them how to defend themselves, obviously, so that they can get away to fight another day. They also, though, need to know how to use the resources available to them. Even muggle resources."
"You're going to take our students into muggle areas?"
"I might, in small groups, with parental and school permission. If that isn't feasible, maybe I could at least bring them to where they can see my computer so they know what one is and how to use one. They need to see that information can be found there, too. I don't see any other professors here who are muggleborn who could show them and actually know what they're doing. Severus does to a point, but not extensively. He's still learning, from me. Obviously, I had access to the Watcher Council's extensive library to aid Buffy and the others around the world who keep evil at bay. Not everyone's going to have that, but if you know what you're looking for you can find it. When they are no longer students under Hogwarts' roof they will have to know where to go to find information if for some reason they can't come here or find it at home. Not every family home as a library as extensive as the Black's. I certainly didn't have it, or access to Hogwarts or the Ministry archives while Harry, Ronald, and I were on the run."
"No," she said, lips thinning. Now she looked … not angry, but not liking to be reminded of three of her students living as they did for months. Hermione thought it was important she be reminded. Children fought their war without the proper education and resources.
"I don't expect special consideration because of that, or because of who I am. I would hope, though, that who I am and what I've been through would speak as to what my priority would be. To ensure the students leave here believing that they could defend themselves and that they would know how to find the information needed in the event it's a formidable opponent that's not defeated at first."
"And what if they can't find the answers?"
"You don't always. We didn't with Glory. She was a god. Severus taught me some offensive spells he thought would help. We had some other things in our arsenal that helped slow her down, but it's important they realize that, too. There are some things bigger than them, and maybe going out to find those things isn't the best idea."
"You think they will?"
"I think kids are going to grow up where there is no more threat of Voldemort for the first time in thirty years. I think there are some, like the Goyles and Crabbes in the world, who will want to go find something just to prove they can and get themselves killed thinking they can defeat anything because nothing can be as big or bad as Voldemort again."
"As I said I already have a professor for that subject. While the information you were given as to my satisfaction with Mr. Tanner is correct. I would like time to think about this, Hermione."
"I understand, and as I said if there's a different position you think I'd be more appropriate for then I'm willing to hear my options."
"You'd have no problem being here ten months of the year?"
"No, I love it here, and obviously Severus is here."
"If he was to leave?"
"I imagine one day he may, I know he'd like to do more with potions than just teach the subject. Assuming his career doesn't take him across the world I'd be here, barring an opportunity that presented itself to me I wish to take on. If you're asking me to commit to a lifetime, I cannot do that."
"On a personal note. Do you have a date for your wedding set?"
"No, he just asked me two days ago. Since we moved to less professional topics. I do have a personal favor to ask of you. When it's convenient, I would like to use your office to meet with Harry and Ron sometime in the next couple of weeks. I've already submitted my resignation to the Council. I cannot continue working for them. Severus told me that you requested my NEWT scores from them."
"I did."
"As my current task is now completed and Buffy passed away. Well, I had nothing else pressing. I suspect that my resignation will be immediate despite my giving them notice. They don't usually keep people around who don't want to be there."
"Understandable for a multitude of reasons in their line of work."
"Yes. I presume when I return to our home I'll have a voicemail from at least Lydia, my supervisor, telling me to come turn in my badge and things. So, whatever you decide I expect to be available within the next couple of weeks."
"And you want to meet with Messrs Potter and Weasley here?"
"I think somewhere neutral is best, and I don't have anywhere really that will work without people seeing me."
"Of course. It will be quite the story."
"I expect so."
"And you're ready for that?"
"I am. That is another reason Hogwarts holds appeal," she admitted. "I don't like nor do I want the spotlight."
"Mm, yes." Silence as her former head of house and possibly her next employer regarded and assessed her. Hermione wasn't sure what Minerva saw, but hoped whatever it was it would lead to her taking a chance on employing her. "I will get back to you sooner rather than later, Dear. I just need to go through what you've said."
"I understand." She stood then, offering her hand to Minerva who took it, seeming a bit surprised at the gesture. "I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me, even if you thought it was Severus coming to see you."
"You can come see me anytime, Dear. My door is always open, and that password won't change anytime soon. I trust Severus hasn't given it out to anyone but you."
She smiled then. "All right. It was good to see you."
Minerva made her way to this side of her desk, hugging Hermione tightly. Hermione hugged her back, relishing the closeness. It was different than the intimacy she shared with Severus, and welcome in a way she didn't realize she truly needed until this moment. Lydia was friendly to her, but their relationship had never branched beyond professional familiarity.
"You, too, I'm glad you are all right. Severus was in quite the mood the past month or so."
"I'm sorry. I couldn't just leave."
"Nor should you have left if you didn't feel right doing so. I'm glad you're back, though. I thought I'd have a mutiny with his NEWT class."
Hermione giggled softly. "Let me guess, detentions?"
"Over the most ridiculous things! And the essays! They are seventh years, almost done, what does he think eighteen inches is going to accomplish that he hadn't already drilled into them?"
"Yes, well, trust me he will be none too pleased when he has to grade those essays."
"Oh, he won't have to. I overrode the assignment."
Hermione imagined that went over wonderfully. She shook her head.
"And Hermione?"
"Yes, ma'am?"
"Thank you!" Hermione said, surprised at the feeling of … elation that washed through her.
She was engaged! Minerva was the first to know about it.
That made it seem more real, less like a dream.
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