Hermione hugged little Herman (who was so so close to sitting up on his own already) tight for a second. Ginny was not going to let her choice in summer living arrangements go without details it seemed. Harry evidently hadn't even told her she was staying at Hogwarts.
It had been a crazy few months. A good kind of crazy, which she would take and not complain about. She thought Severus felt the same way.
There were days she thought they'd started a physical relationship sooner than they should have. And yet, in some ways, she was very glad they hadn't waited.
She wasn't loaded with experiences before him, like her dating experiences she felt they'd been pretty disastrous. Men entirely too … cocky … about their abilities, seeming to blame her for any dissatisfaction - by either party. Her inability to finish from just sex was her fault not theirs.
She'd never had anyone who took the time to get to know her. How she worked, and truly she wasn't hugely experienced seeing to her own needs either. So she was still learning! She'd never had anyone allow her the time to get to know him.
Not once had he made fun of her curiosities when it came to that. He, in fact, seemed just as curious. He wanted to know everything about how to bring her off the same as she did about him. He very much seemed to believe in a tit for tat philosophy.
And really they were both adults who'd had sex before. Were they here because of another version of herself and circumstances that were rather out of control? Maybe so, but to this point she didn't regret it. And in a way, with sex not hovering between them they were able to get to know one another. Maybe that was the wrong way of thinking about it, but she liked the intimacy they had that extended beyond their sex lives. That wouldn't be there if they weren't having sex.
She loved watching him dress every day. Not unexpectedly, he was precise and exact. It was fascinating to know she was one of the only ones, if not the only one, who knew what went into him being Professor Snape. She really loved his reaction to her watching him dress. More than once he'd had to dress a second time.
She loved sitting in his living room with him while he graded papers or tests. She loved when he asked her if this or that sounded better because he wanted to change up a lecture. Ivy enjoyed listening to him, too, but it was obviously different. The girl was just enjoying having access to her father every day and to see him work. She'd likely heard stories of her father being a potions master and a hero. Here she was able to see those things in play, that they were true. That two versions of her father were good men. (That had to point to more being good!)
The first couple of weeks she used her assigned room, or at least tried to. Sometimes he came to her rooms, but usually she ended up in his even if she "went to bed" in hers.
Ivy didn't seem to find it odd to see Hermione coming out of Severus' bedroom mornings, which had been their biggest concern the first time she'd woken up before Hermione could get back to her quarters. Well, that and whether she should have seen her come out of Severus' bedroom. They'd whispered frantically as to whether they should disillusion her or something when they realized Ivy was awake much earlier than she usually was one day. They hadn't and she hadn't even seemed to think it was new or unusual.
So when classes had ended there really wasn't much for her to think about when it came to whether she would be staying with Severus, Ivy, and Jasmin or returning to her flat.
Crookshanks was a great roommate, but she'd come to discover over the past few months that she didn't want only a feline companion.
He, of course, seemed to like the fact that there was another one of him to prowl the castle with. More than once she or Severus had woken to two "presents" left for them from their hunting excursions.
Her Crookshanks, interestingly, ended up sleeping with Jasmin more often than not, leaving theirs to sleep with Ivy (who seemed to be his preferred human). Both usually made their way to their bed for a while every night, but rarely for long.
She also noticed a drastic difference in her comfort in holding Herman versus James or Teddy when they were this age and attributed it to spending as much time as she had been with Jasmin. Yes, she was older but she was still a small human. She'd never held a baby in her life before Teddy. And really hadn't spent consistent, frequent time with a baby until James. So it just wasn't something she was good at.
"So, you're just staying at Hogwarts for the summer? I didn't realize you could even do that," Ginny asked. She was clearly confused by this turn in Hermione's living arrangements. Apparently, under the impression she was going to be staying in her own rooms. She would have a valid argument for staying through the summer to set up her rooms and her office before the new school year started.
Kingsley had not been surprised when she'd turned in her notice after she, Severus, and Minerva had gone to talk to him about how the girls had gotten to Hogwarts. In fact, she thought the Minister for Magic, who she considered her friend, was relieved at her change in employer.
"She's staying with Snape," Harry said. He seemed awfully proud that he not only knew this bit of information but could finally say something about it.
"It's Professor Snape or Severus, Harry."
Ginny looked from Harry to Hermione and back to Harry again. Clearly, her friend was looking for a sign the two of them were joking. She returned her attention to Hermione then when Harry didn't seem to be suggesting it was a joke. "Is that true? You're staying with him?"
She blushed then. She couldn't help it. She was frankly surprised Harry hadn't told Ginny already. She just assumed he would even if she'd asked him not to yet.
"Morgana, Hermione. Harry! Why am I the last to know about this?"
"I asked him not to tell."
"I'm his wife! We're going to talk about keeping secrets from me later."
"I was waiting until I knew there was actually something there to talk about," Hermione said. The last thing she wanted was to get Ginny all excited about her having a relationship if it turned out to be nothing.
"And there is?" Ginny asked. She sounded so … hopeful. That tone was the reason she hadn't wanted Ginny to know yet. There were so many variables at work here. She wanted to be sure there was something worth mentioning.
"Minerva says there certainly seems to be," Harry quipped. This was said with the hint of a smirk that made Hermione roll her eyes a bit. She wondered what exactly Minerva had told Harry.
"Minerva knows, too!" Ginny said. She didn't sound upset exactly, but more surprised at that.
"Minerva is his boss," Hermione said. As if they didn't know that.
"And she saw Hermione with a hickey."
"Hickeys! He's leaving you hickeys."
"Um, sometimes," Hermione said.
"Sometimes implies more than once. So, Severus Snape likes love bites."
"So it would seem," she whispered, knowing she was thoroughly blushing now. She tried to hide it by burying her face in the back of Herman's head and neck, pretending to give him raspberries.
There'd been more than the couple Minerva saw. He was usually more careful to leave them where they wouldn't be seen. She liked that he wasn't logical enough a few times not to think about where he was marking her. Once she knew he was logical enough and knew exactly what he was doing. He'd wanted it to be seen. It was before she'd been officially working at Hogwarts. She'd still tried to charm it so it wouldn't be seen, but he'd very adeptly countered her charm so she gave up about ten minutes into breakfast that morning. (He'd seemed mighty proud of himself that morning, too. Men!)
"Okay. Well, when you're ready to tell your female best friend I want details, Hermione. I mean, it's Severus Snape. Is he…"
"I am not talking about our sex life."
"I was just going to ask about his…"
"I'm not talking about his quarters, his clothing, or our sex life beyond I have no complaints."
"Well now," Ginny said. "You know I always wondered what he did to scratch his itches over the years because no one ever talked about him in that way. I mean, there were never stories of him being a womanizer or anything."
"Because he wasn't," Hermione said. "I'm not saying he's never been with a woman before me. I'm not an idiot, but he didn't go out every night to meet women. He was a little busy, you know!"
"Oh, listen to her defending him. That's so sweet."
"Shut it, Gin," she murmured but wasn't serious. Ginny knew that, too. She would of course defend him. He had been busy!
"Have you gotten to the I love yous yet?"
"No," Hermione said with a soft sigh.
They liked one another. That was clear. The other Hermione was right. They both admitted they really wouldn't have considered one another romantically without the recent events occurring. Their paths wouldn't have crossed post-war enough for them to, for one.
"But you do love him?"
"I think that I do."
"That is exciting, Hermione!"
"I think so."
"And you're staying at Hogwarts all summer? With him and his daughters?"
"I am. We are. I'm going to be working for Minerva as a kind of assistant so I'm working on …"
"Charts and schedules."
"Well, yes. She wants me to interview four hundred students! At least next year, I mean the year after this coming one, it won't be so difficult because I'll hopefully have gotten to everyone who is already a student. So it'd just be first and seventh years' at the end of the school year I'd have to interview from then on."
"Mi," Jasmin said, patting Hermione's knee.
She was much better at calling her Mi not Mama anymore these days. Not that she minded her calling her mama, but neither she nor Severus were ready for the questions and explanations other people hearing that would bring about. Sometimes it came out closer to sounding like Mimmy, but no one had said anything thus far thankfully.
"Yes, Jasmin."
She'd been off playing with James, but Hermione was wondering if she was ready for a nap. She looked ready for a nap from what she could tell. She was pretty good at knowing when it was time these days. Glancing at Ivy beside them, she looked about ready for a nap, too. At five and a half she didn't take them often, but once in a while she succumbed to her little growing body and mind's demands for additional rest.
"Thirst," she said, sounding as if she was on the verge of becoming cranky. She knew the sounds by now.
"Yeah, well, maybe it's time we head home. We can have some milk before a nap."
Jasmin shook her head. Tears were forming there at the mention of that evil word. "No, no nap."
"Yes, well, naps are very important for children who are growing."
"No nap," she repeated, shaking her head accompanied by the trembling of her lower lip.
Hermione laughed, handing Herman off to Ginny. Jasmin crawled onto Hermione's lap then.
"Mi. Kiss."
"Okay," she said, kissing her. "But you're still going to take a nap."
"You know," Ginny said after she'd been quietly observing this exchange.
"I know lots of things, Gin."
Harry snorted at that.
"She kind of looks like you."
"Mm," Hermione said, not wanting to outright lie to Ginny. Eventually, she would tell these two the truth. She didn't want them mad at them for blatantly lying. "I suppose, a little maybe."
"It's the hair. The curls. It's the colour of Snape's, but the curls are all you."
"You do know that you'd know if I'd been pregnant eighteen months ago, right?"
"Well, yes, it just makes me wonder if love bite Snape has a type."
Hermione chuckled, shaking her head, knowing she was blushing. "He doesn't have a type. Lots of people have curly hair, Gin."
"I suppose," her friend said. She didn't sound convinced, though. That was all they needed. A curious Ginny Potter! "Are you really going to go? She can nap here."
"She could nap here but she won't nap here. She'll want to know what James and Herman are doing. Or you are doing… And if we go home, Ivy might nap, too."
The only time Ivy napped was when there was nothing new or different to observe. So Severus' quarters with no visitors was a requirement. Otherwise, she was afraid she was going to miss something so stubbornly refused to nap.
"See, another thing she's like you about."
"Severus is the curious type, too."
"If you say so."
"Ginny! Really. Harry, talk to her!"
"I will. We know she's not."
"Thank you," she said, hugging Jasmin tightly just the same. "Let's go home then, girls. Say bye bye to Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny."
Harry chuckled at that as he gave Ivy a hug. "Does he know you're doing that?"
"He does."
"And he's okay with that?"
"What's he going to say? You are my best friend. They spend time with me. He doesn't want them calling people by their first name. I'm not going to make them call you Mr. and Mrs. Potter."
"Just curious." He stood then, taking Jasmin from her. She watched as "Ry" got a kiss before he handed her off to Ginny for the same.
"Come back soon. You know you can anytime."
"I know. I probably will once I'm more used to the castle being empty. It's kind of strange."
"Do you sleep in the dungeons?"
"We do."
"Is it creepy?" Ginny asked as Hermione stood and took Jasmin from her. Ivy had moved next to her after having said goodbye to Harry and Ginny.
"No. I mean it can be, but no more so than any other place that has dark halls."
"I suppose. Well, I'm glad you were able to come. I agree with Harry. Come back soon! James likes Ivy and Jasmin. No offense to Fleur, but I'd rather he be with them than Victoire."
Hermione chuckled at that. Ginny was afraid that James would be affected by Victoire's Veela heritage already. They were cousins, so nothing could come of that anyway.
"We will soon. I promise."
"Okay. You look good, so whatever Snape's doing is agreeing with you. Tell him I said to keep it up."
"I will definitely tell him that."
Ginny giggled then and Hermione joined her. She couldn't help it! Harry just shook his head.
"All right. I do not want to think about my best friend and Snape…"
"Why not?" Hermione asked.
"It's not because it's Snape. I swear it's not. It's just you're like my sister. The same as Ron doesn't want to think or hear about what Ginny I did to create James and Herman…"
"I get it," Hermione said. She leaned over, kissing his cheek. "I'll spare you the details then."
"Thank you!"
"Be well. Let me know what we're doing for Harry's birthday."
"It'll be at Mum and Dad's no doubt," Ginny said.
"Okay. Send an owl when you know the details."
"Will Severus and the girls be joining you?"
"I imagine the girls could, I have to ask him if he is okay with that. I can't speak for Severus."
"Well, convince him!"
"Send me the details so that I can."
They left then, taking the floo from Harry's to the office she had access to off the headmistress' main office. Hermione wasn't sure what it was intended to be, but it was unofficially officially Hermione's domain at the moment.
"All right, Jasmin. Let's go to the kitchens and find a light snack before you and your sister nap."
"Pear," she said, wiggling her fingers. Her head was firmly settled against Hermione's shoulder, so she didn't think getting her to nap would really take much effort but it had been a while since lunch so she wanted to be sure hunger wouldn't be the reason she didn't fall asleep.
"Yes, tickle the pear."
She would have to tell Severus that he and the girls were invited to Harry's birthday. She wasn't sure he wanted to announce to the world yet they were here, but six months into this he seemed to realize he couldn't keep them secluded in Hogwarts forever. And the Burrow would be a safe way of introducing them to a group of people.
He had agreed to allow the girls to go to the party. He had not wanted to go with. It was the closest they'd had to an argument since she returned in March.
"We are a couple, Severus. I don't want people to think you're employing me as their nanny or something."
"Why would they think that?"
"If I go to a party with them and without their father who I am seeing …"
"I just don't understand why it's anyone's business who either of us is seeing."
"It's part of who we both are, Severus. You know that. So you want Molly to continue to try to play matchmaker? I think she realizes by now it's not going to be Ron, but she has two other single sons. Never mind, I'm sure she has some suitable candidates for you."
He'd paled at that statement. He evidently hadn't stopped to think that if he didn't claim to be her partner, others would assume she was still looking for one. She wasn't going to go to the first public outing with Ivy and Jasmin and claim to be seeing their father but he couldn't or wouldn't come along.
So, he'd gone. And she was pretty sure had a decent time. Arthur, of course, talked to him. He, in particular, felt bad for doubting Severus' allegiance since he was the one who'd helped save his life after being bitten by Nagini.
So, while no one at the party was going to rush out to tell anyone, they'd come out as being together that evening. And Ivy and Jasmin seemed to love the Weasleys as much as they loved both girls.
They'd also never apparently seen an actual birthday cake let alone a party. It brought tears to Hermione's eyes watching both girls really get into the celebration. She wagered Ivy wouldn't forget it any time soon. Jasmin was perhaps too young for it to stick too long with her.
And no articles in the Daily Prophet appeared. So they were out without everyone in the wizarding world knowing about their relationship or the girls.
So it was a good night all around.
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