Hermione came down from their flat to the store, surprised to see Severus engaged in an obvious meeting with someone. She returned upstairs without interrupting. She'd never seen the man before. He wasn't magical. Well, she assumed he wasn't because he looked too muggle. That was incredibly prejudicial to think, but it was true. Spending the past four years in muggle Britain she was far better now than she had been before at picking out magical people who were living as muggles.
They had an aura, a presence about them that she was able to identify. Severus told her not everyone could do that. He suggested it was a sign of a powerful witch or wizard who could detect another's magical presence.
Severus came upstairs about an hour later, looking distracted but kissed her on his way to changing out of his work attire.
He returned a few minutes later, still looking distracted but calm. Not that he hadn't been calm earlier. Severus was always calm.
"That was someone interested in buying the building," he said as if he knew that she was dying to ask.
"Oh?" she asked. "Are you selling? Are we moving? Is everything all right?"
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and shook his head. He turned to look at her and then looked at the wall behind her.
"Minerva has offered me a job."
She was quiet as she thought over that statement.
Was she surprised the headmistress wanted him back? No, not at all. Was she surprised that he was contemplating it to the point he'd met with someone about the building? Yes. Was she surprised he managed to get to the point of talking to a potential buyer without her even having a hint that he was thinking about something pretty huge? Also, yes.
Then she remembered who exactly her husband was. Former spy who'd fooled Voldemort for years. So, no she supposed she shouldn't be surprised by any of it.
"That didn't take her long," Hermione said.
She regarded him then and realization dawned on her.
"You're going to take it."
"I think I am. I mean, not without discussing it with you first. I had to find out, though, if I'd be able to get out of this," he said, gesturing to the building. "Mr. McTierney has offered to buy this property off of me several times the past few years. I've always told him I was not interested, of course. I had to find out just how serious he was. There could be other buyers, but I figured I'd start with him."
"We will make out very well on the deal. I will probably try a couple of other buyers, but I'm not looking to start a bidding war. I've done some modifications and improvements as you know."
"I do."
"The Mersey being right here helps."
"Of course."
"I'd find another home for us. A real home for you," he said, gesturing to her and then placed his hand over her abdomen. "And this child and any others we may have."
"Severus. I don't mind living here."
"I know you that don't, but you deserve so much better than this."
"Severus, if the reason that you're thinking about this is for me, please don't. If you want to, truly want to. Then I will of course support you whatever you decide."
"I miss it," he whispered.
Oh boy. She knew that was not only incredibly difficult for him to admit but to say it aloud.
"I know," she said.
She did know.
He hadn't specifically said it, but he hadn't had to.
She saw it in his eyes. She saw it in the way he'd set a hand against this wall or that portrait. The way his grip on her hand tightened ever so slightly when they'd entered the Great Hall for dinner together. She saw a look in his eyes she hadn't really seen before. She was a little jealous of that look, truthfully.
Not here. Never here. This place was a means to an end.
She knew he loved her. She knew their place and business was a home to him. It wasn't, however, home. And there absolutely was a difference.
"And you have indicated wanting to return to the magical world when done with your education. With the support of Minerva and Poppy and that she is already seeking from you on various students I can't help but think it won't take you as long as you originally thought to work solely in the magical world if you so choose."
She nodded. He was right. She was very surprised at how open Poppy and Minerva were and receptive to her ideas. She had no idea. She'd expected more pushback. Of course, they were just two people, but it certainly gave her hope others wouldn't think she was crazy.
"You're right. But we wouldn't be able to live together?"
He chuckled, but then seemed to realize she was serious.
"Oh, my little minx, if you think I'm letting you out of my home or most importantly my bed even for one night you are not as bright as I thought. I figured we could rent something, a house and preferably one with a fireplace, for now until your coursework is done. That home will be connected to the floo network so you can go back and forth from our quarters at Hogwarts. I can arrange it with Minerva so that if I have to sleep at the house I can."
"And the baby?"
"We will make arrangements. Molly Weasley is always an option as is Ginevra for that matter since she will be having theirs about the time you'd go back to school. Not right away, I realize, but we will find someone if Molly is unwilling. Poppy may be an option, as well as Rolanda. I also thought Justin may know someone. They'd be muggle obviously, but you could bring her with you to our home and leave from there once the sitter arrives."
"You've thought about this."
"I have," he said. "This building was the last piece."
"And you said nothing to me?"
"I will not make a decision without you. If you do not wish me to return I will not, but I had to be able to approach you with all of the facts. Telling you three weeks ago that I was thinking about it but having no thought as to whether I could sell this building or anything wouldn't have been prudent. I could have gotten your hopes up for nothing, or initiated an argument for no reason."
They'd had a few disagreements since that night she'd taken her ring off and left for a while. That night seemed to have driven home the point to him that she truly was his wife. There was no agreement at work any longer (if there ever truly had been). Any decision she made regarding him and their future was because she wanted a life with him. Disagreements were of course going to happen between two people as opinionated and well read as they were.
"If you check our email there is one message from a realtor with a handful of homes that I believe would be agreeable to us both. All are rentals so we would not be committed beyond a lease, and all after the one year lease is concluded would allow us to rent month to month as long as we give sixty days notice before we vacate so they can attempt to fill before we leave."
"I was quite adamant about that."
"Evidently this realtor knows who they're dealing with."
"So it would seem."
"I will look at it after dinner."
"I think we should do it. You need to be home, Severus. Hogwarts is home. I know I make you happy, and this little girl will make you happy, but there's a piece of you. A hole in your heart, if you will not to sound overly dramatic, where Hogwarts has a place and you need it. I think it needs you, too."
He nodded then and she saw tears in his eyes. She stepped up to him, hugging him, his head against her chest since he was sitting and she was not. She kissed the top of his head and slid her arms around his shoulders, holding him tight.
"I love you, Severus. I, we, want you happy and whole. Hogwarts will go toward that end."
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice sounded hoarse and she loved that sound there.
Not because she enjoyed seeing, hearing, that he was hurting. No, but she knew that she truly was his witch for him to be vulnerable like this in front of her.
"Oh, my wizard, you don't have to thank me for wanting all of us whole and healthy. We will have your rooms then."
"I assumed you would not want to live in the dungeons…"
"Oh no, Master Snape. In fact," she said, drawing away slightly and he tilted his head up to look at her. His chin was resting on her already swollen breasts and she patted her very pregnant tummy. "The next one, if and whenever we decide to try for him or her. That bed, under that canopy with those snake bedposts."
"Pushy witch," he murmured and she laughed.
"Your daughter liked it there, Severus."
"I am to be ruled by the women in my life, it seems."
"As it should be," she quipped, leaning down as best she could these days to kiss the tip of his nose. He grimaced but allowed her the show of affection.
"Truly, Hermione. Thoughts?"
"I have no career yet to speak of. I am working on my education. As long as I'm able to continue toward that end, which you've said I will be, then we will go wherever you go."
"Mm, if you think she's going to be in here much longer you're in for a rude awakening in a matter of weeks. Or so I've heard."
He chuckled. "I vaguely recall Draco's birth. I wasn't there for that part, obviously, but the sleepless nights."
"Lucius had sleepless nights?"
"They had tried for a while before Draco came along, so yes. He was concerned for his son's wellbeing."
"What changed?"
Severus chuckled. "Please don't say that to anyone else but me."
"I will try to refrain."
"So you are okay?"
"I am. As long as it's truly what you want and you're not doing it because you somehow think I want you to. I want you happy, and if Hogwarts is what does that then Hogwarts it is. As you say, we can rent a home here until I'm done with school and then we can take the time to find a house we not just want but love."
"Private, of course."
"Of course. Maybe we can find an uninhabited island."
"I like the sound of that."
"You would. I'm not sure I'm ready to be that reclusive, Severus."
He chuckled. "Okay, an island with a dozen other people on it."
She rolled her eyes. "Smart arse."
"That's too many? I think it would be."
"I know you would. Go owl Minerva your answer. Where's Professor Robillard going?"
"Mm," he said. This was followed by a telling smirk. "He's not going anywhere."
He chuckled. "I neglected to tell you, I'm to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and Deputy Headmaster."
"You did not tell me that. I'm even more confident in my answer then. Yes. You will be an exceptional professor for that subject. Why Deputy?"
"Evidently Minerva has been having some … difficulties. The castle it seems still recognizes me as the position was never officially turned over to her. There are procedures in place. Albus assumed I would be placed there so prepared for that inevitability prior to his death."
"I offered, of course, to do just that, but she said she wants one day when it's her turn to retire for me to resume the role."
"Severus, that would be excellent."
"You think so?"
"I do. I know it's scary, but you deserve the chance to perform that role, that position, under ordinary circumstances to prove not only your worth but your love for the school and its students and their education."
"Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me. You have been supporting my crazy idea for three years without question even though it's never been done in the wizarding world before."
"If anyone can do it, it's you."
"I feel the same way about you." He kissed a breast through her top, rubbing his cheek against her. "Will staying in your rooms work then? If you're not teaching Potions?"
"It will. The entrance will just be moved. You're sure you want the dungeons?"
She shrugged. "One day maybe I'll tire of it, but how can I argue with your preference and obviously our daughter's."
"You can't."
"Mm hmm," she said, kissing the top of his head again. She rested her cheek against him there then and sighed softly.
"Ferris Bueller was right," she murmured.
"John Hughes movie? Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
"I think I missed it. The film I mean."
"Oh, well then to pay me back for telling me nothing of these plans we will have a John Hughes movie night before classes start for both of us again."
"Will I find these movies so horrible that you consider this payback?"
"I hope you won't. They're definitely teen movies. He has some comedies, too, but I'd have to think about which one of those to start you with. Uncle Buck maybe."
"I take you at your recommendation."
"So the position is no longer cursed, right? I mean, you're not taking the position only to have to leave in a year?"
"No, we believe once Riddle passed the curse was broken. Minerva is just unhappy with the current instructor and thought she could use the position like catnip."
"She doesn't know that you truly didn't covet that position?"
She hadn't known that herself until about two years ago. It had been part of his cover. Dumbledore's unwillingness to give it to him was something that Voldemort believed gave him power over Severus, something to keep Severus loyal.
"No, only you know that. I'm not even sure Albus is aware I truly didn't want it. In the beginning, yes, but I was far better at Potions."
"Not safer."
He snorted. "Certainly not when Longbottom was there."
"Speaking of Neville."
"Yes, I am aware that he's still an apprentice."
"He should be finishing up soon?"
"I would think this next year if he didn't this year. I am aware he was still there this past school year."
"You will be … polite to him?"
He snorted. "You were going to say nice, but yes I can endeavor for polite."
"Thank you."
"Now, go look at your emails, see if any of the homes appeal to you."
"How soon are we looking at being out of here?"
"He said by the end of August if the paperwork is in order, which it is."
"And the inventory?"
He sighed heavily. "I will have to figure that out. I was thinking we could store it and perhaps attempt to sell them to other book suppliers, or the internet. People buy books on it from my understanding."
She smirked, running her fingers through his hair. "They do," she said.
"I do have a couple of contacts that I believe will fairly take my inventory off of my hands."
"Other small bookstore owners like myself. You know, I have a customer needing XYZ and I see that you might be interested in ABC. If you send me XYZ I'll send you ABC and twenty pounds, or whatever the value difference might be. I have done more trading to than from so I have accumulated some, what is the phrase, markers."
"Yes, that would apply."
"So, it will be taken care of. I have a question for you, Hermione," he said.
"Oh? This sounds serious, you said my name."
"I often say your name."
"No, you don't. I'm not complaining. I don't mind being your witch or whatever, but when you say my name I know it's important."
He looked at her, lifting an eyebrow as if thinking about what she'd just said. "I will endeavour to do better."
"Severus, that wasn't what I meant. Go ahead with your question."
"What would you do if someone were to ever discover the reasons behind our marriage?"
"How would they ever find out? There was nothing in writing. Our lives have not suffered because of our marriage." She shrugged. "I'm not sure what you're asking me. Are you planning on telling someone?"
"Nor am I. To this day I don't know why you made the offer, but you did. I accepted, and there is no when I give you an heir I can walk away. I said I do, I had my parents' priest bless our marriage."
"Very well."
"And if someone did find out and ask. Who cares how or why our marriage came about? We are married. I mean, people have arranged marriages. We at least came to an agreement without our parents doing it for us when we were two without either of us having a say in it."
"Valid point."
"Of course it is."
"I was just curious. We are returning to a world where our names carry a certain amount of weight individually let alone jointly. I imagine there will be people, the likes of Skeeter, who will dig and dig."
"Ah," she said, understanding now where the question came from. "All we can do, Severus, is go about our lives. If we give them no reason to question that we are married and committed to being a family they won't think to look."
"I've never had that," he said.
"It's scary?"
"It is," he whispered. His hand went to her abdomen and their daughter reacted with a kick as if she knew. "I worry."
"I am not worried, Severus."
She slid her hand under his chin, lifting his face so she could look into his eyes.
"I have known you since I was eleven years old. I know you don't like being reminded of that fact, but it's the truth. I have known you to be bitter and mean, but I have also known you despite the fact we were breaking rules left and right to save our lives. I know that despite loathing Harry's father you did what you could to save his life for years. I know that you did not have me expelled for stealing from you. Was my being a cat penalty enough for my thievery," she shrugged, grazing her thumb over his jaw.
"Perhaps so, but you still could have had me punished. I know that you acted as a spy. I see evidence of the lengths you went to to carry out your role, the torture you were on the receiving end of. I was there when I came into this store for the first time and despite considering me a pest you offered me tea and lent me a somewhat friendly ear. You came up with a plan to aid me, presumably you were under the impression I'd say no but you could at least tell yourself that you'd offered. I have watched as we went from virtual strangers, really, sharing living space to friends and now much more. I have seen the look of disappointment, of fear, in your eyes when we argue. Yet, through it all, I have never seen you lift a hand as if you were going to strike. I have never seen you with a look of rage in your eyes. I'm sure you have, I'm sure you've had reason to feel that but you never displayed it to me or around me. Eleven years, Severus. I have no concerns about your ability to parent our daughter."
She laughed softly as their daughter kicked again under his hand. "Obviously she doesn't either."
"Apparently. She must get that from you."
"Obviously," she said. "Now if you're done pouting and fretting I will go look at house listings."
He chuckled. "I am fine."
"Good. And just so you know it's not just you. I wonder every day how I'm going to do this," she said, gesturing to her belly. "It's okay to be nervous and fret, but you are not a monster or a bad person. I wouldn't have married you if you were. I wouldn't have agreed to work here if you were."
He nodded simply. He sighed as she stepped away and she smiled a bit at that. She liked being close to him, too. She loved that he did as well.
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