TITLE: Stop the World From Crying
AUTHOR: Susan / apckrfan
DISTRIBUTION: My site, AO3, FFnet, LJ.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters. They are owned by JK Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Brothers, etc. No profit is made from this fic.
SPOILERS: Through Order of the Phoenix, but canon divergent after the DA gets caught April 1, 1996 by Umbridge
SUMMARY: Albus Dumbledore, more than unhappy with the way things are going not just at Hogwarts with Dolores Umbridge’s arrival and taking over his position but also the Ministry, decides to take matters into his own hands once the DA gets discovered. He and Minera secretly meet with Hermione Granger, and Severus Snape and asks the pair to give up quite literally everything for a chance at saving the world. This is a time turner fic and doing the math, Hermione starts off sixteen and will be forced into making a very adult decision as part of Albus’ plan.
CHARACTERS/PAIRING: Hermione Granger & Severus Snape (x2 actually), Tom Riddle, various OCs
DATE STARTED: September 2021
STATUS: Complete
WORD COUNT: 283,700 +/-
FEEDBACK: Please, I can't write better without it.
NOTES: This is complete in 54 chapters. I will post Sun & Wed until it’s completed.
WARNING: As stated above, Hermione is sixteen when this story starts, and is faced with making a very adult decision. Obviously, she says yes, or this story wouldn’t exist! Their physical relationship doesn’t come into play for a while after the beginning of the fic time frame wise, but she is seventeen at the time it happens. If this bothers you, move along.
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